Sheriff of Chautauqua County
Professional Education
Graduate, FBI National Academy, Quantico, Virginia
Master of Science in Administration of Justice, Mercyhurst College, Erie, Pennsylvania
Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York
Associate of Applied Science in Social Sciences, Jamestown Community College, Jamestown, New York
30 years in Law Enforcement with Chautauqua County Sheriff’s Office, nearly half in supervisory capacity, Lieutenant (retired)
Training in drug prevention, recognition, and experience working alongside those afflicted
New York State Crisis Intervention Team Training Consultant and Instructor
NYS Fundamental Crisis Skills for Law Enforcement Consultant and Instructor
Master of Science
Administration of Justice
Mercyhurst College, Erie, Pa
Bachelor of Science
Criminal Justice
Rochester Insititue of Tecnology
Rochester, NY
Associates in Applied Science
Social Sciences
Jamestown Community College
Jamestown, NY
Police Supervision / Administration Training
Graduate, FBI National Academy, Quantico, Virginia
Master of Science in Administration of Justice, Mercyhurst College, Erie, Pennsylvania
Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York
Law Enforcement Executive Development, Federal Bureau of Investigation
New York Law Enforcement and Law Updates, Practices and Procedures
The Impact of High Stress Events Training Course, DCJS,
Trauma Resources & Unified Management Assistance Training, DCJS
Initial Incident Command Course, ICS 210, FEMA & FBI National Academy
ICS Overview for Executives and Senior Officials, ICS 402, FEMA & FBI National Academy
Conflict and Crisis Management: Theory and Practice, Federal Bureau of Investigation
Incident Command System National training Curriculum, I-300
Incident Command Level 200, Chautauqua County Emergency Services
Course in Police Supervision, DCJS
Master Instructor
Blue Courage Instructor Certification
Mental Health Instructor
Crisis Intervention Team Training
Police Field Training Officer
Drug Recognition Expert Instructor Program
DWI Detection & Standardized Field Sobriety Testing Instructor
PPCT Defensive Tactics Instructor Training
Breath Test Operator
Firearms Instructor
Defensive Tactics Instructor
Police Instructor (General Topics)
Police Related Training
Blue Courage
Line of Duty Death Response, CISM Perspectives
Opioid Overdose and Intranasal Naloxone Training for Law Enforcement Course
Lost Person Behavior, New York State Federation of Search and Rescue teams
In Harm’s Way: Law Enforcement Suicide Prevention Conference, St. Petersburg College
Individual Crisis Intervention and Peer Support, International Critical Incident Stress Foundation
Group Crisis Intervention, International Critical Incident Stress Foundation
LEOKA – Law Enforcement Officers Killed & Assaulted, Middle Atlantic-Great Lakes Organized Crime Law Enforcement Network
Grade Crossing Collision Investigation Class
Hostage/Crisis Negotiation School, DCJS & Federal Bureau of Investigation
Crisis Intervention Team Training, Akron Police Department
Conducting Complete Traffic Stops Workshop, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
The Effects of Drugs on Human Performance and Behavior, Indiana University
The Robert F. Borkenstein Course on Alcohol, Drugs and Highway Safety: Testing, Research and Litigation, Indiana University
Small Town and Rural Training Series Drug Law Enforcement School for Patrol Officers
Police Field Training Officer Course, DCJS
Drug Recognition Expert, DCJS & International Association of Chiefs of Police
The Physical Fitness Specialist Course, The Cooper Institute for Aerobics Research,
D.A.R.E Junior High Instructor,
Violence, Gangs & Schools; Causes, Consequences and Solutions, New York State Police Juvenile Officers Association
Occupant Protection Usage and Enforcement, DCJS,
Drug Interdiction Assistance Program, U.S. Department of Transportation
PPCT Defensive Tactics
Basic Juvenile Officers course
Street Survival Seminar
HIV/AIDS, New York State Commission of Corrections
D.A.R.E. Instructor Course
Traveling Criminal Groups, Terry Getsay
Radar Operator Course
Agency Demographics
911 Emergency Dispatch
Accident Investigation
Incarcerated Youth/GED
Civil Division
Court Security
Crime Scene Division
Criminal Investigation Team
Crisis Negotiation
Finance/Budget Division
Fire Investigation
Forensic Investigation Team
Intel Briefing
K-9 Unit
Mounted Division
Pistol Permit
Prisoner Transport Division
Road Patrol
Technical Services
Technical Rescue Team
Water Emergency Team
Welfare Fraud Investigation
County Demographics
Population 133,503
1069 sq miles
27 Townships
15 Villages
2 Cities
4 Inland Lakes
Lake Erie (48 Mile Coast)
2010 - present
2010 - present