"peace of mind for you, your family, and friends."
"Emergencies can occur at any time. For the frail elderly or the disabled, it can be especially threatening if the person is not able to reach the telephone to call 911"

Our office has a system that gives us the capability to provide reassurance that you or a loved one will be contacted at least once a day, thus ensuring that help will be dispatched if an emergency has occurred.
I urge everyone who may benefit from this type of assurance to contact us.
The Chautauqua County Sheriff's Office, in partnership with the Office for the Aging (OFA), provides referrals.
All referrals are processed by the OFA. Complete the online request below and you will be contacted by the OFA to confirm participation.
OR... Call the number below during normal business hours.
Office for the Aging staff will answer any other questions you have about the RUOK Program by calling 716-753-4582.
Click to enlarge
Here is what subscribers hear:
“This is the Chautauqua County Sheriff's Office. Please press any key for an important message.”
*subscriber presses any key on the phone*
“Hello this is the RUOK system. This is the call of the day for… (custom audio inserted here, for example: Jane Doe of 1 Main St Sherman 555-1212). Thank you for participating in the RUOK program."
Click to listen to a call example: