Drug Drop Box
"Help prevent these substances from falling into the wrong hands"
Installation of Drug Drop Box!
A drug drop box has been installed in the lobby of the Chautauqua County Sheriff’s Office in Mayville, NY.
The drop box was acquired at no cost to the taxpayers through a grant provided by The National Association of Drug Diversion Investigators (NADDI).
The drop box is available to the public 24 hours a day; its use is anonymous and free of charge.
The proper disposal of prescription drugs will help prevent these substances from falling into the wrong hands and is also much safer for the environment than to have the drugs flushed down the toilet or placed into the landfill
Both prescription drugs and illegal drugs will be accepted at the drop box. No needles or other “sharps” will be accepted.
The Sheriff’s Office also has received funding for a second drug drop box which is located in the Hanover Town Hall