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Criminal Investigation
The Criminal Investigation Division (CID) is involved in several different aspects of criminal investigations. Their main function is to handle all major crimes reported to the agency, such as homicides, suspicious deaths, burglaries, robberies, white collar crimes, computer crimes, child abuse, welfare fraud, high end larcenies and criminal mischief complaints. CID also assists other police departments in the County when extra manpower and resources are needed.

eMail Lt. Alex Nutt
This division is also responsible for the following:
Investigating reports of elder abuse
Maintenance and updating the New York State Sex Offender Registry
Administration of criminal arrest warrants
The Chautauqua County's Wanted
Investigation of all crimes involving juveniles
Processing pistol permit requests
Prisoner security details involving incarcerated defendants that are appearing in County Court
The CID works closely with the District Attorney and his staff on a daily basis.

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